The KonoSuba anime has been a popular series since its first season aired in 2016. The show is based on the light novel by Natsume Akatsuki and features a cast of characters who are all outcasts from their respective worlds, making for an interesting story that will have you hooked until the end. If you’re looking forward to KonoSuba season 3 release date, cast, and plot – what we know so far! Get more information here about this or similar topics.
The Release Date Of KonoSuba Season 3:
With no confirmation yet on a Season 3 two years after the film, it’s not out of place to expect it in 2022 or 2023 if and when it’s confirmed.
The Cast Of KonoSuba Season 3:
- Rie Takahashi as Megumin
- Jun Fukushima as Kazuma
- Ai Kayano as Darkness
- Amamiya Ten as Aqua
- Aki Toyosaki as Yun Yun
Trailer Of KonoSuba Season 3:
There won’t be a trailer for KonoSuba season three for a while yet, but this trailer for season two may act as a refresher.
The Plot Of KonoSuba Season 3:
KonoSuba is an anime based on a light novel series with the same name, written by Natsume Akatsuki. KonoSuba follows Kazuma Satou, who dies in his first battle after being transported to another world and is then reincarnated as one of four deities tasked with saving this alternate reality from the Devil King’s attack.
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Kono means “to give,” so KonoSuba translates to “giving a blessing to this wonderful world.”
Kazuma Satou’s quest for money has taken him from rags to riches–from an imprisoned thief living in a dumpster-filled alleyway with nothing but his wits, strength, and an outdated sword he found on the ground one day to sitting comfortably on top of the kingdom as its new king while entertaining offers from countries all over about joining their imperial ranks.
However, this meeting with royalty leads to disaster, and Kazuma even winds up separated from his party for a bit. The movie also heavily focused on the budding romantic relationship between Kazuma and Megumin. So, it’s likely this would also be further explored in Season 3 of the series.
Is KonoSuba Season 3 Worth Watching?
KonoSuba has been gaining popularity all over Japan and abroad for how comical it can get at times. It’s easy to pick up on what this anime is about from just looking at its title– KonoSuba means “you’ll probably regret watching this” in Japanese. But that only speaks volumes to fans of the show!
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